Mal Smart
Artist Bio
A bumbling but keen amateur photographer living in York. A very, very typical Gemini who loves to chat about anything especially photography, climbing and life.
Artist Bio
A bumbling but keen amateur photographer living in York. A very, very typical Gemini who loves to chat about anything especially photography, climbing and life.
These photos are almost mythic. They are utterly gorgeous. the choices the artist makes in choosing ,lighting and framing his subject matter are spot on. very moving elegant and beautiful.
These photos are almost mythic. They are utterly gorgeous. the choices the artist makes in choosing ,lighting and framing his subject matter are spot on. very moving elegant and beautiful.
i like your stuff
There is still, in this High-def ultra-colored world, so much power & drama to be had in good black & white photography – I miss my Tri-X.(well except the grainy-ness) These are all just super-fine.