Charlotte Wensley

Artist Statement

I pick up my paintbrush and so begins a new and revolutionary journey. I am driven to explore my inner emotional landscape, to cast my mind back and revisit both transient and embedded emotions and memories.

I allow musings to rise unfettered into my consciousness. I sketch and write as thoughts spend hours or days or maybe even weeks at the forefront of my mind, being given a changing perspective by the events of each new day. This process of contemplation leads me then to focus on the strongest experience, define its essence and thus begin a painting.

Using abstract landscape as a metaphor for spiritual space I go in search of a visual resolution, inspired to describe instinctive feelings using symbolism, colour and composition.

I am consumed by a persistent fascination with the abstract nature of emotion and its inherent qualities.

I seek to create a visual language with which I can describe intangible experiences.

Charlotte Wensley’s Website

3 responses to “Charlotte Wensley”

  1. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by miaverko: RT @escapeintolife: Charlotte Wensley: “I am driven to explore my inner emotional landscape”

  2. Jessica says:

    i love you

  3. Wayne Holton says:

    Some of this stuff is just beautiful..  I like it all.  The colors are so great.  Wish I could paint.

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