Escape Into Chris
Escape into the personal works of EIL Founder, Chris Al-Aswad
(July 16th 1979 – July 27th 2010)

Years have passed since EIL’s founder, Chris Al-Aswad, left life behind and stepped into the world of the Spirit. In addition to countless unforgettable memories, Chris also left us with dozens of journals brimming with his deepest thoughts and philosophical ponderings of existence on planet earth. Recently, my Father and I began exploring them in depth, discovering incredible, illuminated passages rife with prophetic, provocative insights and brutal honesty. While the quest to fill the space that Chris’ parting left in us will continue for our lifetimes, we’ve found solace and uplift in the notion of sharing these with the people Chris cared for most, his friends in the EIL community. Clearly, the spirit of Chris lives on in them, as well as in the eternal flow of the creative life-force, and so he would surely approve. Please note that any work from his journals appears as discovered in its original design in his journals. The extracts are not edited.
See all Escape into Chris posts on EIL
Visit Chris’ personal blog, The Blog of Innocence