Toon Musings: Activity Corner, Day 18
Dear Leader’s never been one to fuss about his actions‘ consequences…for other people. Just because he said a couple things to a slavering mob of his fact-averse followers about marching and fighting and storming and such, why blame him for the predictable bloodshed? Like any practiced criminal, he knows how to couch statements so a scrupulous prosecutor can’t pin him down. As for the damage to institutions and norms… well, that’s why so many folks love him so.
He does worry about consequences to himself, though–worries like a cornered rat, as the saying goes. Could it be that in his zeal he went just a little too far this time?
Enjoy the full advent calendar!
We’re counting down the days until Inauguration Day, when grown-ups are put in charge of the White House once again. Open the doors to view previous days:
- Day 17: Pardon Me!
- Day 16: Donnie’s Daycare
- Day 15: Warm Welcome
- Day 14: Valiant Leader
- Day 13: The Donald Quixote
- Day 12: Bestowing Honors
- Day 11: Rousing the Rabble
- Day 10; Strongarm
- Day 9: Defiler-in-Chief
- Day 8: Find the Lady!
- Day 7: Wannabe
- Day 6: Laundry Day!
- Day 5: Vrooom!
- Day 4: COVID Cures
- Day 3: Eclipse
- Day 2: Puerto Rico
- Day 1: Golf
Phil Maish is a freelance cartoonist of no repute. His modest efforts may be viewed at He has worked for the Government, the Press, the Opera, and a Soulless Corporation. Self-taught and beholden only to his formidable wife and amazing son, he spends his free time gadding about in his vintage autogyro and, with his faithful manservant Nicopol, exploring forgotten ruins, discovering hitherto unknown animal species, smashing spy rings, and regaling fellow members of the League of Intrepid Adventurers with tales of his intrepid adventures.
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