Travis Louie

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Travis Louie9Artist Bio

Travis Louie’s paintings come from the tiny little drawings and many writings in his journals. He’s created his own imaginary world that is grounded in Victorian and Edwardian times. It is inhabited by human oddities, mythical beings, and otherworldly characters who appear to have had their formal portraits taken to mark their existence and place in society. The underlining thread that connects all these characters is the unusual circumstances that shape who they were and how they lived. Some of their origins are a complete mystery while others are hinted at. A man is cursed by a goat, a strange furry being is discovered sleeping in a hedge, an engine driver can’t seem to stop vibrating in his sleep, a man overcomes his phobia of spiders, etc, . . .Using inventive techniques of painting with acrylic washes and simple textures on smooth boards, he’s created portraits from an alternate universe that seemingly may or may not have existed.

Travis Louie’s Website

Travis Louie at Shooting Gallery

2 responses to “Travis Louie”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by fantomaster, iwalkdevon Magazine. iwalkdevon Magazine said: RT @escapeintolife: The Victorian Spookiness of Travis Louie #art […]

  2. Valentina Tarentino says:

    Travis Louie is Charles Addams's spiritual heir! I just discovered his work today – and I LOVE it!

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